Monday, February 22, 2010


This completes this thread. The station was totaly abandoned shortly afterward and captured by the Kusari Empire. However the Blood Dragons and the Outcasts (a group from further afield in league with the Dragons) started to become increasingly involved in the war from this point onward patialy as a result of the events portrayed here.

All posts by Carnifex were writen by me. All other posts were writen by their respective authors. All posts are the work and property of those who wrote them. Also... disclaimers suck, hehe.

#15 by Carnifex

Ten minutes later the Armoured Transport had landed and the bay contained the entirety of the remaining personelle on the base, not that many in all. The loading ramp lowered and a handfull of heavily armed marines stood at the ready. Reginald stepped up onto the ramp with them just as it hit the deck.
"You seemed in such a hurry to evacuate the base over the com, is there an attack on the horizen or something?" he asked.
"We're in an armoured transport deep behind enemy lines hauling a load of civilians, if I'm not mistaken there was a similar situation not long ago and a freighter was nearly oblitirated. What other reason do we need to have to be in a hurry?"
Turning to the massed population of the base the marine began to hurd everyone into the bowls of the ship with a loud speaker.
"Everyone onto the transport right now, this is the last ship out of here and it leaves in five minutes!!"

Six minutes later the transport was making tracks back to the cover of the nearby gas clouds and the Kyushu jump hole while the Bretonian fighter pilots stayed behind to prevent anyone getting suspisious.

#14 by Carnifex

Pieces of debris huddled around the jump gate and were slowly and quietly drifting off in every direction. The battle was over, the combatants nowhere to be found. Most of the Blood Dragons had died or been forced to eject in their own escape pods and the ones who hadn’t had retreated the moment the Samura re-enforcements had arrived from Sapporo station had appeared at extreme scanner range. White 1 and White 2 had been escorted back to Sapporo and the Matsumoto’s fighters had followed after the retreating Dragons.

Reginald sat on the landing deck which now looked dirtier and more unkempt then the rest of the station. Some of those escape pods from the Kinjiru had gotten away, he thought to himself. Even if they hadn’t, there was no guarantee that the stolen information was even on that ship. It probably didn’t matter all that much though. Regardless of whether or not he lost his job and was black listed by Liberty corporations for all but the most menial tasks he was still stuck on this station, well behind enemy lines in a war that was heating up.
“Reg..?” came a voice from behind him.
Startled for a moment he turned to see one of his construction ship operators had quietly entered the silent landing deck still toting a large high-powered shotgun like it was his best friend.
“What is it?” Reginald asked.
“There’s a Liberty Armoured Transport that’s just emerged from the Kayo, they’re sending a tight-beamed signal asking to speak to whoever is in charge.”
Reginald’s mouth dropped open slightly. Things are either about to get better or a lot worse he thought to himself.

#13 by Carnifex

As Reginald looked on he could see, via one of the work cameras attached to the gate, the shields of the Kinjiru flickering, about to fail. They dropped and she started taking fire, her engines gave out, she started to drift. The fire intencified as a dozen large escape pods launched, some of them busting into fireballs and spinning out of control as they became new targets for the Blood Dragon fighters.
The other Samura transports saw this and one of them made a run for it engaging cruise engines. The other transport hesitated and tried to make a run for it too late. Dragon fighters fired cruise disruptors and disabled its cruise engine. Lukily it wasn't the primary target so it was able to slink away without taking too much damage.
The Blood Dragon's were starting to take losses of their own. More and more ships were arriving to assist the Samura convoy. Back on the station Reginald felt a sence of rightchous malice growing inside of himself in direct proportion to the likelyhood of the death of those who had stolen the materials during the riots.

#12 by Carnifex

Reginald watched the battle from the landing control centre on the Chugoku Gate Construction Site. The continued calls for help had suddenly hit a nerve with his conscience, after all those ships were laden with innocent people and chances are some were already dead and more cirtenly would be before this was over. However Reginald was able to push all of this to the back of his mind all to easily. 'If we support them then the Dragons might turn on us and that's the last thing we need right now,' he thought to himself, perhaps more as an excuse then as sound reasoning. 'No, we wont help them, they are as good as enemies to us now.'

Meanwhile the battle continued outside. Yet more torpedoes had been launched at the transports, most intercepted by the Kinjiru's turrets. Only two hadn't, one had dealt a glancing blow to the Kinjiru's shields and another had impacted the gate just meters from White 1. The Matsumoto's fighters swept in on the attackers the moment they arrived. The odds were now even between the sets of fighters and the embattled transports started taking less of a beating however the Dragons were not giving up. A conserted effort was being made to attack the Kinjiru from multiple directions at once time and time again. From a distance the unfinnished gate looked like a nest of hornets that were spewing bolts of energy at eachother while half of them tried to kill the queen.

#11 by Illogical Lemon

Nagahide held on tightly to the controls as another volley of fire hit their shields, causing them to drop even more. The situation wasn't looking good, as these Blood Dragon ships seemed to be in a completely different class to the ones he swatted practically every day. Worse still, the construction site's guns were conspicuously silent, apart from a solitary shot or two when a Dragon came too close to them. There was always the possibility that the mercenary's attack had damaged their turret control interface along with the power, but Nagahide believed that DSE were hoping for the Dragons to destroy them and ensure that their company secrets wouldn't be revealed. Nevertheless, he opened up communications to them again. Come in, CGCS! We need support out here, do you copy?

It was then that he saw three of the Dragon ships launching torpedoes at him. Quickly he brought the Kinjiru's rapid-firing defence turrets to bear on the incoming missiles, managing to strafe two of them down but wasn't quick enough to stop the third. He closed his eyes and braced for the impact, but to his surprise it sounded more distant than he had expected. He looked around, and saw that the torpedo hadn't been aimed at him – instead, it had gone through the gap that had been made when the Kinjiru had been forced forwards. It had hit White 2, dealing heavy damage to the ship. He cursed, and quickly reversed the ship to cover the gap and protect the vulnerable transport.

Bringing his guns to bear on an overeager Dragon that was flying directly at them, the pirate ship quickly fell to the overwhelming onslaught. However, it's debris continued at them, hitting the Kinjiru hard and overloading her shields. Nagahide flicked the switch to activate the shield batteries, which quickly brought them back online but only to a third of their maximum strength. Once again in his career, he found himself cursing whoever had designed the Dromedary line of ships for not giving them a battery capacity to match the powerful shields. Opening group comms to White wing, he ordered White 3 to transfer their batteries over to him, which was quickly done.

He risked a glance down at the scanners to see how many enemies remained, and was relieved to see that fighters were finally arriving from the Matsumoto to assist. Now we may have a chance, he thought to himself.

#10 by Carnifex

"This is Samura White 1 to the...."

The squadron leader of the Blood Dragons called out stongly over the wing's closed channel, "All Dragons, target the source of that transmission. All weapons free, if you get a clear shot then take it. Good hunting."

The Samura transports were slowly manuvering into position sheltering next to the fins of the gate claw with the Kinjiru covering their colective soft spots. As the Dragons moved in the firing was sporadic on both sides while the fighters weaved in and out of the gate's structure, some better then others. The close quarters neutralised the range advantage of the Kinjiru's weapons and the weaving of the Dragons made ammuniton runs against the transports difficult. The first few supporting Kusari fighters began to arrive, ones which had already been in space in the area when the distress call went out. The turrets of the Construction Site remained quiet with the exception of the occational warning shot when a Blood Dragon fighter strayed too close to the station. The com-chatter amoung the combatants was at fever pitch.

A Blood Dragon fighter swung around the outside of the gate and manuvered through an opening near the Kinjiru. Kicking in his thruster the pilot tried to wedge his ship between the Kinjiru and the gate, not quite managing it and popping out to the side before quickly dissapearing behind the gate. The Kinjiru swayed to one side. Moments later a second Dragon tried the same thing and this time managed to push the Kinjiru further from the shelter of the gate structure. The two ship's shields flared violently before the fighter's shield gave out and it crashed into the gate, bits of it tearing off as it tried to speed away to safety. Three Dragon ships outfitted with torpedoes and already on a bombing run lined up with fingers on the triggers while the remaining fighters turned away from the re-enforcements and toward the now more exposed Kinjiru, squeezing past eachother to get through the openings in the gate claw.